
Wish I...

I wish, you lived down the street. Or just... you know, in the same town.
I would be shopping ... let's say some milk. Or cigarettes. I would be wearing a dress you haven't seen on me before. Or that dress that had looked so sexy on me. And then you'd be in the same store like me and out of sudden, our eyes would meet. I wouldn't say a thing and you wouldn't either, both of us not knowing what to say. We would just stand there and stare.

I sometimes wish your mom would mention me. Or your sisters. Or your brother-in-law. Heck, maybe even your dad. You wouldn't answer, but there would be that sad look in your eyes.

And what about the things? The things that surround me are constantly speaking of you. Even my cactus has recently asked me, when she would meet your cactus. My underwear is missing your hands. My ICQ is missing our conversations. It's just not the same anymore. Everything is wrong without you. I wonder if you threw it all away.

Did you find my dancing shoes? The shoes I wore so that you could spin me like a ballet dancer and make me feel like a princess. The shoes I brought, so we could attend a salsa party. We ended up in bed instead.

I miss the feeling. I wish you missed waking up with me, myself being already awake and listening to your heart, to your breath... Imagining how I would draw the perfect contures of your body and always, seriously, always being fascinated with your lips. I wish, you'd miss my coffee the same way I miss yours and singing the Beatles with me, when we were cooking.

I wish that you cry sometimes. I wish that you regret. I am wishing for a second chance. I couldn't see a single shooting star this week. But maybe that doesn't matter at all. I am wishing anyway.



In der Fahrschule wird uns beigebracht, den Schulterblick zu machen, um zu sehen, was hinter uns liegt. Genau so geht es mir auch mit dem Blog.

"Ich würde gerne einen Blog haben, in dem ich mich über Männer aufregen darf", meinte ich."Du hast doch einen", meinte A.

Dann ist mir aufgefallen - ich habe tatsächlich einen Blog. Alles ist okay mit ihm, aber warum habe ich damals nicht weiter geschrieben?

Ich mache einen Schulterblick und sehe, was danach geschah... Es war alles gut, oder zumindest so gut, wie ich es mir nur erträumen konnte. Ich hatte mein Glück. Es war so warm und vertraut, dass ich niemals hätte Worte finden können, für den Zustand, in dem ich mich befand.

Und dann zerbrach es. Und plötzlich finde ich wieder Worte, auch wenn sie auszusprechen manchmal zu viel verlangt wäre. Ich finde Lieder und Bücher, Gedichte und Personen, die das Selbe erlebten.

Das ist kein Gute-Laune-Song. Das ist the ballad of a bitter end.